Dear patName,
Today we talked about the fact that your blood pressure is higher than where it should be:
We discussed a few options to treat your blood pressure including weight loss, cutting back on alcohol, exercising 30 minutes 5 times per week, and changing your diet to either a DASH Diet or Mediterranean Diet.
Below are some expected changes in your blood pressure based on what changes you are able to make.
Reduction in sodium intake: reduce by 1800mg per day, reduce BP by 5.8/2.5mm Hg
Weight loss: reduce by 4.5kg, reduce BP by 7.2/5.9 mm Hg
Reduction in EtOH intake: reduce by 2.7 drinks/day, reduce BP by 4.6/2.3 mm Hg
Exercise: 30-45mins 3 times/week, reduce BP by 10.3/7.5
Dietary modification: DASH eating plan, reduce BP by 11.4/5.5
See Below for a basic description of a DASH & Mediterranean Diet:
DASH diet: whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts, and has low amounts of fats, red meats, sweets, and sugared beverages. It is also high in potassium, calcium, and magnesium, as well as protein and fiber.
Mediterranean diet: advised whole-grain breads, root and green vegetables, fish, chicken, fruit, margarine (no butter); decrease pork and beef
«Insert Doctor Name, MD»