Share MyDoctorVisit with your patients!

This is a one page tool with the goal of helping patients to organize the concerns they want to talk discuss. The strengths of this tool include a place to record the date of your appointment and the doctor you met with. As well, common questions your doctor might ask are in the top right corner.

As always, if you have feedback please send us a comment! Physicians, you can find the form from OCEAN by searching: My Doctor’s Visit


Use My Care Plan with your patients

This is a one page custom form that is meant to streamline the typical “plan” you would write down for a patient. This tool was developed specifically for family physicians with the goal of promoting #co-charting and a review of what was discussed at the appointment.

It is a great resources to remind patients – when, where, and why they should follow up. As well, it provides expectations in terms of why tests are being ordered, what the tests are for, and what type of test they are.

A specific area is dedicated to medication prescribing including: what is the medication, what is the dose, how often is it to be taken and when as well as why is the medication being prescribed. 

For a nurse and secretary this tool serves as a quick reminder for the patient and can easily be – printed, emailed, or yes – faxed.

For users on Accuro please download the custom form below:

Form Title: TeachandLearn – MyCarePlan – DC

Publisher: cbeselaere

Date: 2019-May-28

For users on TELUS Practice Solutions download the custom form by clicking the button below:


The stamps below were intended for use in TELUS Practice Solutions EMR. Copy and Paste the text below to use the following patient education stamps as part of your workflow!

Three quick steps to using these stamps during a visit:

  1. Ctrl/ Cmd + L to create a letter
  2. Insert the stamp below
  3. Print it or Email it to your patient

Dear patName,

Today we talked about your «insert type of pain».

We discussed conservative measures to improve your pain.

In particular I would like you to take:
1. «•»mg of Tylenol (Acetaminophen) every «•» hours

*Please note it is SAFE for you to take up to 4000 mg of tylenol in a single day.

2. «•» mg of Ibuprofen (Advil) every «•» hours.

It is safe to take these medications together as recommended by Dr.«Pepe»«Lin-Pepe»

«We also talked about adding Voltaren Emulgel to help control your pain. You can apply this up to 3 times per day directly to the area which hurts»

«Insert Doctor Name, MD»

Dear patName,

Today we talked about the fact that you have GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux) also known as acid reflux.

This condition is caused by acid which is normally in the stomach rising up into your esophagus (swallowing tube) and causing symptoms.

Acid Reflux is best managed with a few simple lifestyle changes that we discussed today including reducing the amount foods containing the following ingredients:

1. Tomatoes (pasta sauce)
2. Citrus (lemon, lime, grapefruit, oranges)
3. Alcohol
4. Chocolate
5. Caffeinated drinks (coffee, alcohol)
6. Fatty foods (Deep fried or friend foods)
7. Garlic or Onions
8. Peppermint

Changing when you eat:
1. No large meals
2. Try not to eat 3-4 hours before bed

Other changes to help control your acid:
1. Cut back or stop smoking
2. Elevate the head of the bed (6-8 inches)
3. Losing weight: even 5 pounds makes a difference

«Insert Doctor Name, MD»

Dear patName,

Today we talked about the fact that your blood pressure is higher than where it should be:

We discussed a few options to treat your blood pressure including weight loss, cutting back on alcohol, exercising 30 minutes 5 times per week, and changing your diet to either a DASH Diet or Mediterranean Diet.

Below are some expected changes in your blood pressure based on what changes you are able to make.

Reduction in sodium intake: reduce by 1800mg per day, reduce BP by 5.8/2.5mm Hg
Weight loss: reduce by 4.5kg, reduce BP by 7.2/5.9 mm Hg
Reduction in EtOH intake: reduce by 2.7 drinks/day, reduce BP by 4.6/2.3 mm Hg
Exercise: 30-45mins 3 times/week, reduce BP by 10.3/7.5
Dietary modification: DASH eating plan, reduce BP by 11.4/5.5

See Below for a basic description of a DASH & Mediterranean Diet:

DASH diet: whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts, and has low amounts of fats, red meats, sweets, and sugared beverages. It is also high in potassium, calcium, and magnesium, as well as protein and fiber.

Mediterranean diet: advised whole-grain breads, root and green vegetables, fish, chicken, fruit, margarine (no butter); decrease pork and beef

«Insert Doctor Name, MD»

Dear patName,

Today we talked about «Insert clinical problem being managed»

Relaxation is a skill that I would like to show you to help with managing your «anxiety»«pain»«other»

There are a few different ways to practice relaxation but I would like to first take a look at how you are breathing when you have a minute.

Is it slow or fast? Deep or shallow? Is your breathing high up in your chest or does it come from lower in your abdomen?

Here is an exercise below you can try for just 5 minutes a day or when you are feeling «insert clinical problem here»

1) Place one hand on your abdomen below your rib cage
2) Inhale slowly and deeply, pull the air into the bottom of your lungs and if you are breathing into your abdomen you will notice that your hand will rise.
3) Once you’ve taken in a full breath just pause for a moment and then exhale through your nose or mouth (whichever you prefer). When you exhale just imagine your whole body going limp and really letting go.
4) Do TEN full abdominal breaths and try to keep your breathing smooth and slow

Overall it should go like this:
– Slow Inhale…Pause…Slow Exhale (“Ten”)
– Slow Inhale…Pause…Slow Exhale (“Nine”)
– Slow Inhale…Pause…Slow Exhale (“Eight”)

You can start at 1 too and go up to 10 🙂 It is your preference.

«Insert Physician Name, MD»